Slackware 14.2 is released!
After a long development cycle (including many betas and release candidates to get everything just exactly perfect) we're pleased to announce the availability of the new stable release. You'll find updates throughout the system, with the latest development tools and recent versions of applications, window managers, desktop environments, and utilities. The Linux kernel is updated to version 4.4.14 (part of the 4.4.x kernel series that will be getting long-term support from the kernel developers). We've brought together the best of these and other modern components and worked our magic on them. If you've used Slackware before, you'll find the system feels like home.
For additional information, see the official announcement and the release notes. For a complete list of included packages, see the package list.
Build scripts for all kinds of additional software for Slackware 14.2 can be found on the website.
Want to give Slackware 14.2 a test drive without modifying your disk drive? Then check out Slackware Live Edition! This is a complete Slackware installation that can run from a CD, DVD, or USB stick. Thanks to Eric Hameleers for the great work on this! Here's where to find it:
Need help? Check out our documentation site, Stop by and share your knowledge!
Please consider supporting the Slackware project by picking up a copy of the Slackware 14.2 release from the Slackware Store. The discs are off to replication, but we're accepting pre-orders for the official 6 CD set and the DVD. The CD set is the 32-bit x86 release, while the DVD is a dual-sided disc with the 32-bit x86 release on one side and the 64-bit x86_64 release on the other. Thanks to our subscribers and supporters for keeping Slackware going all these years.
Thanks to the Slackware team for all the hard work getting 14.2 ready for action! And of course, thanks to all the open source developers upstream, and to the Slackware community on for all the help with bug reports, suggestions, and patches. We couldn't have done it without you.
Enjoy the new stable release!
Pat and the Slackware crew
Slackware 14.2 for ARM is also available. For details, see:
Slackware 14.2 is released! xD
Supongo que esto hará que las distros que se basen en ella actualicen también, como WifiSLAX.
Joder. El trabajo de Volkerding nunca será suficientemente apreciado. Es como una especie de aldea gala que resiste y resistirá siempre al invasor.
Me agrada saber que siempre habrá una alternativa disponible, en caso de que Debian y las demás distros se escoren aún más al lado oscuro poetteriniano.
Los viejos rockeros nunca mueren!
Como unos cuantos, yo empecé en esto de los (GNU)Linux, con una Slackware, en mi caso 8.1 ?
¿Quién la usa hoy?