El telnet admite todo los comandos que quieras pero hay una limitación a nivel de DB que actualiza Jazztel nada más encender el router.
Si conectais el router antes de enchufarlo a la fibra teneis acceso a todos los comandos del telnet y podeis modificar y volcar la DB.
Login: root
BusyBox v1.01 (2015.09.12-11:26+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
/ # ls
bin home mnt sys userconfig
data kmodule proc tagparam usr
dev lib root temp var
etc linuxrc sbin tmp webpages
/ # busybox
BusyBox v1.01 (2015.09.12-11:26+0000) multi-call binary
Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
or: [function] [arguments]...
BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as!
Currently defined functions:
[, ash, awk, brctl, busybox, cat, chmod, chrt, cp, cut, date,
df, diagput, echo, egrep, free, fuser, getty, grep, hexdump, hostname,
ifconfig, init, insmod, kill, killall, linuxrc, ln, login, ls,
lsmod, mkdir, mknod, mount, mv, passwd, ping, ping6, ps, pwd,
reboot, rm, rmdir, rmmod, sed, sh, sleep, sync, taskset, test,
tftp, top, traceroute, umount, wget
/ # ps aux
PID Uid VmSize Stat CPU Command
1 root 492 S <1> init
2 root SW <0> [kthreadd]
3 root SW <0> [ksoftirqd/0]
5 root SW <1> [kworker/u:0]
6 root SW <0> [migration/0]
7 root SW <1> [migration/1]
8 root SW <1> [kworker/1:0]
9 root SW <1> [ksoftirqd/1]
10 root SW <0> [kworker/0:1]
11 root SW< <1> [khelper]
12 root SW <1> [klogfile]
13 root SW <0> [cspklogd]
74 root SW <1> [sync_supers]
76 root SW <0> [bdi-default]
78 root SW< <1> [kblockd]
Es más, la busybox que trae nos permite usar tftp para cargarle algunos binarios en tmp y trabajar más comodo.