USROBOTICS 9106 FIRMWARE Version 2.5 - Annex A only (ADSL over Analog)
Read this before you upgrade your USR9106 SureConnect ADSL Wireless Gateway.
Note: Upgrades using this release will reset the modem to the factory default settings. To save and maintain your current settings, such as VPI and VCI variables, you must use the EasyConfigurator 2.38 installation utility. Follow the steps below to upgrade your gateway and save your current settings:
1. Download and install the EasyConfigurator 2.38 installation utility.
2. Extract the 9106_USR96345GW_Release.2.5.bin file located below to a temporary directory such as C:\USR.
3. Launch the EasyConfigurator software.
4. Select the Advanced tab.
5. Click browse and select the upgrade file 9106_USR96345GW_Release.2.5.bin .
6. Click upgrade.
7. EasyConfigurator will restore the ADSL configuration on successful firmware upgrade.…otes_2.5.txt 2 KB 19-05-05…ease.2.5.bin 1.9 MB 21-04-05… 47,6 MB 16-6-04
USROBOTICS 9105 FIRMWARE Version 2.5 - Annex A only (ADSL over Analog)
Note: Upgrade Version 2.5 applies to Annex A users only or, ADSL users that connect their ADSL modem to their standard telephone line.
Read this before you upgrade your USR9105 SureConnect ADSL 4-Port Router.
Note: Upgrades using this release will reset the modem to the factory default settings. To save and maintain your current settings, such as VPI and VCI variables, you must use the EasyConfigurator 2.37 installation utility. Follow the steps below to upgrade your gateway and save your current settings:
1. Download and install the EasyConfigurator 2.37 installation utility.
2. Extract the 9105_USR96345R_Release2.5.bin file located below to a temporary directory such as C:\USR.
3. Launch the EasyConfigurator software.
4. Select the Advanced tab.
5. Click browse and select the upgrade file 9105_USR96345R_Release2.5.bin.
6. Click upgrade.
7. EasyConfigurator will restore the ADSL configuration on successful firmware upgrade.…otes_2.5.txt 2 KB 19-05-05…lease2.5.bin 1.9 MB 21-04-05 47,6 MB 22-09-04
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