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saber cuanto lleva encendido


quisiera saber si hay algun programa o utilidad para saber cuanto lleva el ordenador encendido ininterrumpidamente.

Este tema está cerrado a nuevas respuestas. Abre un nuevo tema para retomar la conversación.

lo mas rapido es mirar la conexion de red, pero ahi está incluído el tiempo que el pc ha estado suspendido/hibernando, así que quizá no te vale.

🗨️ 1

lo que te dice luke es lo mas correcto, rapido y facil.

Me imagino que querras controlar el tiempo que alguien usa el ordenador.


en Linux hay "uptime"


Copia y pega lo siguiente(script) en el bloc de notas y lo guardas como: tiempo.vbs

Luego lo ejecutas y te informará de los segundos y luego de los dias-horas-minutos-segundos que lleva encendido el ordenador.

' 23/04/2006

Computer = "."

On Error Resume Next
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & Computer _
& "\root\cimv2")

If Err.Number = 0 Then
On Error Goto 0
strQuery = "select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_System"
Set colObjects = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery)

For Each objWmiObject In colObjects
intPerfTimeStamp = objWmiObject.Timestamp_Object
intPerfTimeFreq = objWmiObject.Frequency_Object
intCounter = objWmiObject.SystemUpTime

' Cálculos en segundos
iUptimeInSec = (intPerfTimeStamp - intCounter)/intPerfTimeFreq
WScript.Echo "Tiempo de encendido: " & iUptimeInSec \ 1 & " segundos"

' Convierte los segundos
sUptime = ConvertTime(iUptimeInSec)
WScript.Echo "Tiempo de encendido: " & sUptime

Wscript.Echo "No se puede conectar a este ordenador con WMI: " _
& Computer
End If

Function ConvertTime(seconds)
ConvSec = seconds Mod 60
ConvMin = (seconds Mod 3600) \ 60
ConvHour = (seconds Mod (3600 * 24)) \ 3600
ConvDays = seconds \ (3600 * 24)
ConvertTime = ConvDays & " días " & ConvHour & " horas " _
& ConvMin & " minutos " & ConvSec & " segundos "
End Function

Slds. :-)


microsoft tiene un pequeño programita que informa del tiempo que lleva un equipo encendido. bajalo de

si lo ejecutas como uptime /? veras los comandos disponibles

ejemplo: con uptime /s serv1 (un servidor mio)

C:\>uptime /s serv1
Uptime Report for: \\serv1

Current OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1, Uniprocessor Free.
Time Zone: Hora de verano romance

System Events as of 09/08/2007 3:40:58:

Date: Time: Event: Comment:
---------- ----------- ------------------- -----------------------------------

26/07/2006 2:45:40 Shutdown
26/07/2006 2:47:04 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:24s
26/07/2006 17:21:16 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 14h:34m:12s
26/07/2006 20:25:33 Boot Prior downtime:0d 3h:4m:17s
03/08/2006 1:37:43 Abnormal Shutdown Prior uptime:7d 5h:12m:10s
03/08/2006 1:39:23 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:40s
03/08/2006 1:37:43 Abnormal Shutdown
03/08/2006 1:43:45 Boot
03/08/2006 2:00:41 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:16m:56s
03/08/2006 2:03:58 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:17s
10/08/2006 3:06:14 Shutdown Prior uptime:7d 1h:2m:16s
10/08/2006 3:08:42 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:28s
13/08/2006 16:37:06 Shutdown Prior uptime:3d 13h:28m:24s
13/08/2006 16:38:38 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:32s
14/09/2006 3:11:30 Shutdown Prior uptime:31d 10h:32m:52s
14/09/2006 3:15:04 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:34s
15/09/2006 10:33:22 Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 7h:18m:18s
15/09/2006 10:35:16 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:54s
22/09/2006 17:50:59 Shutdown Prior uptime:7d 7h:15m:43s
22/09/2006 18:13:39 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:22m:40s
22/09/2006 23:49:07 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 5h:35m:28s
22/09/2006 23:51:24 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:17s
23/09/2006 2:57:48 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 3h:6m:24s
23/09/2006 3:00:25 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:37s
23/09/2006 3:05:58 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:5m:33s
23/09/2006 3:07:16 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:18s
23/09/2006 3:10:29 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:3m:13s
23/09/2006 3:13:50 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:21s
25/09/2006 0:46:38 Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 21h:32m:48s
25/09/2006 1:22:10 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:35m:32s
25/09/2006 1:31:21 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:9m:11s
25/09/2006 1:37:30 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:6m:9s
25/09/2006 1:48:35 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:11m:5s
25/09/2006 1:54:34 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:5m:59s
25/09/2006 2:45:21 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:50m:47s
25/09/2006 2:48:43 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:22s
25/09/2006 3:05:52 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:17m:9s
25/09/2006 3:14:05 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:8m:13s
13/10/2006 3:13:59 Shutdown Prior uptime:17d 23h:59m:54s
13/10/2006 3:15:37 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:38s
22/10/2006 16:08:24 Shutdown Prior uptime:9d 12h:52m:47s
22/10/2006 16:09:41 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:17s
29/10/2006 2:55:52 Shutdown Prior uptime:6d 11h:46m:11s
29/10/2006 2:57:13 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:21s
31/10/2006 13:02:48 Shutdown Prior uptime:2d 10h:5m:35s
31/10/2006 13:04:12 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:24s
15/11/2006 3:08:29 Shutdown Prior uptime:14d 14h:4m:17s
15/11/2006 3:09:59 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:30s
24/11/2006 15:05:54 Abnormal Shutdown Prior uptime:9d 11h:55m:55s
24/11/2006 15:08:22 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:28s
24/11/2006 16:15:24 Abnormal Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 1h:7m:2s
24/11/2006 16:18:09 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:45s
28/11/2006 16:29:29 Shutdown Prior uptime:4d 0h:11m:20s
28/11/2006 16:52:21 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:22m:52s
28/11/2006 16:57:46 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:5m:25s
28/11/2006 17:06:58 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:9m:12s
02/12/2006 0:06:07 Shutdown Prior uptime:3d 6h:59m:9s
02/12/2006 0:16:54 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:10m:47s
02/12/2006 0:45:35 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:28m:41s
02/12/2006 0:48:42 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:7s
02/12/2006 0:51:59 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:3m:17s
02/12/2006 1:26:30 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:34m:31s
02/12/2006 3:14:05 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 1h:47m:35s
02/12/2006 3:17:05 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:0s
09/12/2006 13:10:52 Shutdown Prior uptime:7d 9h:53m:47s
09/12/2006 13:14:52 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:4m:0s
09/12/2006 13:14:52 Abnormal Shutdown
09/12/2006 13:23:40 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:8m:48s
09/12/2006 13:33:07 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:9m:27s
09/12/2006 14:19:12 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:46m:5s
15/12/2006 3:07:24 Shutdown Prior uptime:5d 12h:48m:12s
15/12/2006 3:09:18 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:54s
15/12/2006 9:18:14 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 6h:8m:56s
15/12/2006 9:20:51 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:37s
15/12/2006 9:24:08 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:3m:17s
15/12/2006 9:25:55 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:47s
15/12/2006 9:31:47 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:5m:52s
15/12/2006 9:39:04 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:7m:17s
15/12/2006 10:56:38 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 1h:17m:34s
15/12/2006 10:59:38 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:0s
16/12/2006 3:32:17 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 16h:32m:39s
16/12/2006 3:44:28 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:12m:11s
16/12/2006 3:47:23 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:2m:55s
16/12/2006 3:49:12 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:49s
16/12/2006 4:14:53 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:25m:41s
16/12/2006 4:24:48 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:9m:55s
17/12/2006 12:52:20 Abnormal Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 8h:27m:32s
17/12/2006 12:54:41 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:21s
17/12/2006 13:05:56 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:11m:15s
17/12/2006 13:08:33 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:37s
23/12/2006 2:29:39 Shutdown Prior uptime:5d 13h:21m:6s
23/12/2006 2:33:47 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:4m:8s
11/02/2007 4:53:30 Shutdown Prior uptime:50d 2h:19m:43s
11/02/2007 4:54:58 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:28s
18/02/2007 3:09:57 Shutdown Prior uptime:6d 22h:14m:59s
18/02/2007 3:12:30 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:33s
29/03/2007 1:31:51 Shutdown Prior uptime:38d 21h:19m:21s
29/03/2007 1:33:38 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:47s
01/04/2007 18:17:01 Shutdown Prior uptime:3d 16h:43m:23s
01/04/2007 22:00:13 Boot Prior downtime:0d 3h:43m:12s
01/04/2007 23:08:24 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 1h:8m:11s
01/04/2007 23:09:44 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:20s
01/04/2007 23:39:25 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:29m:41s
01/04/2007 23:40:52 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:27s
02/04/2007 0:17:41 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:36m:49s
02/04/2007 0:19:48 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:7s
02/04/2007 0:26:21 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:6m:33s
02/04/2007 0:43:37 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:17m:16s
02/04/2007 0:49:38 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:6m:1s
02/04/2007 1:41:54 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:52m:16s
02/04/2007 1:45:58 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:4m:4s
03/04/2007 15:19:17 Boot Prior downtime:1d 13h:33m:19s
03/04/2007 15:23:38 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:4m:21s
03/04/2007 15:28:03 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:4m:25s
05/04/2007 3:06:17 Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 11h:38m:14s
05/04/2007 3:08:17 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:0s
11/04/2007 3:06:50 Shutdown Prior uptime:5d 23h:58m:33s
11/04/2007 3:09:13 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:23s
13/04/2007 0:54:30 Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 21h:45m:17s
13/04/2007 0:55:50 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:20s
09/05/2007 3:08:45 Shutdown Prior uptime:26d 2h:12m:55s
09/05/2007 3:10:09 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:24s
18/05/2007 20:07:36 Shutdown Prior uptime:9d 16h:57m:27s
18/05/2007 20:08:54 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:18s
23/05/2007 3:06:18 Shutdown Prior uptime:4d 6h:57m:24s
23/05/2007 3:07:40 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:22s
06/06/2007 17:17:15 Shutdown Prior uptime:14d 14h:9m:35s
06/06/2007 17:29:57 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:12m:42s
06/06/2007 17:35:48 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:5m:51s
06/06/2007 17:37:59 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:11s
06/06/2007 17:48:06 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:10m:7s
06/06/2007 18:43:53 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:55m:47s
06/06/2007 18:51:06 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:7m:13s
06/06/2007 19:21:38 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:30m:32s
06/06/2007 20:07:52 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:46m:14s
06/06/2007 20:37:36 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:29m:44s
06/06/2007 22:40:26 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 2h:2m:50s
06/06/2007 22:54:17 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:13m:51s
06/06/2007 23:09:40 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:15m:23s
06/06/2007 23:11:48 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:8s
06/06/2007 23:19:50 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:8m:2s
06/06/2007 23:21:45 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:55s
06/06/2007 23:29:45 Abnormal Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:8m:0s
06/06/2007 23:32:03 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:18s
06/06/2007 23:46:56 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:14m:53s
07/06/2007 0:16:38 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:29m:42s
07/06/2007 0:20:35 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:3m:57s
07/06/2007 0:41:27 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:20m:52s
07/06/2007 0:45:03 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:3m:36s
07/06/2007 1:30:14 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:45m:11s
07/06/2007 1:37:00 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:6m:46s
07/06/2007 4:23:21 Boot Prior downtime:0d 2h:46m:21s
07/06/2007 4:27:13 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:3m:52s
07/06/2007 4:44:32 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:17m:19s
07/06/2007 15:04:24 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 10h:19m:52s
07/06/2007 15:05:25 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:1s
07/06/2007 17:14:06 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 2h:8m:41s
07/06/2007 18:35:59 Boot Prior downtime:0d 1h:21m:53s
07/06/2007 19:08:58 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:32m:59s
07/06/2007 19:11:54 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:56s
07/06/2007 19:20:24 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:8m:30s
07/06/2007 19:25:27 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:5m:3s
14/06/2007 3:07:35 Shutdown Prior uptime:6d 7h:42m:8s
14/06/2007 3:09:01 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:26s
25/06/2007 9:15:13 Shutdown Prior uptime:11d 6h:6m:12s
25/06/2007 13:14:27 Boot Prior downtime:0d 3h:59m:14s
01/07/2007 2:23:09 Shutdown Prior uptime:5d 13h:8m:42s
01/07/2007 2:24:16 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:7s
11/07/2007 3:09:57 Shutdown Prior uptime:10d 0h:45m:41s
11/07/2007 3:11:44 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:47s
06/08/2007 19:26:55 Abnormal Shutdown Prior uptime:26d 16h:15m:11s
06/08/2007 19:28:51 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:56s
07/08/2007 1:55:43 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 6h:26m:52s
07/08/2007 1:56:46 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:3s

Current System Uptime: 2 day(s), 1 hour(s), 44 minute(s), 36 second(s)


Since 17/07/2006:

Total Reboots: 87
Mean Time Between Reboots: 4.45 days
Total Bluescreens: 0


Since 03/08/2006:

System Availability: 99.3174%
Total Uptime: 368d 13h:9m:43s
Total Downtime: 2d 12h:47m:30s
Total Reboots: 84
Mean Time Between Reboots: 4.42 days
Total Bluescreens: 0

03/08/2006 is the earliest date in the event log where
sufficient information is recorded to calculate availability.


Algo mas facil....

Inicio>Ejecutar>CMD>Systeminfo :-)

🗨️ 1

ivimail y donde pones server yo que tendria que poner?


¿y se pueden ver las veces que se ha reiniciado?