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Puertos filtrados por el proxy telefónica


Hola, me gustaría saber como se puede averiguar de manera factible (mediante un scanner o algo parecido...) los puertos que filtra el proxy de Telefónica.

Gracias y saludos.

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Bueno, tras mucho buscar y buscar me he encontrado este testeador de puertos para el proxy de Telefónica, y por cierto cada día hay más...

A mi me sale esto:

Port Scan Results for:
Program Port Status Explanation

FTP 21 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows users to transfer files to other computers over the Internet. A poorly configured FTP server allows hackers to copy your files, install trojan applications on your computer or obtain unauthorized remote command prompt access to your computer.

SSH 22 Secure Shell (SSH) uses encryption to secure information sent over a network. While it typically improves security there are numerous problems with older versions of SSH which may allow brute force attacks.

Telnet 23 Telnet allows a remote user to access your computer and perform commands. It is suspectible to brute force attacks and clear text password sniffing. A computer is misconfigured if this port is open. Use SSH instead.

SMTP 25 SMTP is used to send email. There are numerous vulnerabilities with SMTP such as unauthorized hard disk file access, username verification or SPAM email redirection.

DNS 53 Domain Name Services are used to tell other computers what your IP address is. There are several exploits associated with this service.

Finger 79 Finger provides information such as usernames and usage information. Turn this service off or block this port to stop others from gaining valuable system information.

HTTP 80 World Wide Web services allow you to publish web pages to the Internet. There are hundreds of severe security vulnerabilities associated with this service. Keep your WWW server software updated.

POP3 110 Post Office Protocol(POP) software downloads email. Hackers may use weaknesses in POP to intercept your email, create fictitious mail accounts or gain remote access to your computer.

NetBIOS 139 NetBIOS is used by Microsoft Windows and some UNIX/Linux programs to share files. If your hard disk is shared improperly (write access to everyone without authentication) you may be giving the world access to your hard disk. (Trojan files can be copied to your computer.) Make sure this port is closed and your hard drive shares are configured properly.

SNMP 161 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) port may allow a hacker to obtain information about your computer. There are also security vulnerabilities associated with this port. You should turn off this service if you don't need it.

SSL 443 HTTP servers use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt data from web browsers. There are hundreds of severe security vulnerabilities associated with this service. Keep your WWW server software updated.

MS DS 445 Microsoft Directory Services is used by Microsoft Networks for security authentication. Typically this port should not be exposed to the Internet.

Socks Proxy 1080 An unsecured SOCKS Proxy may disqualify you from IRC server access. Make sure this port is closed.

KaZaA 1214 KaZaA is a popular peer-to-peer file-sharing program with many known vulnerabilities and at least one known worm (Benjamin) targeting it.

UPnP 5000 Universal Plug and Play allows your computer to automatically integrate with other network devices. There are known security vulnerabilities associated with this service.

HTTP Proxy 8080 HTTP Proxy provides a way for a hacker to pretend to be your computer. Others who may have been hacked may see your computer address and want you to justify why you hacked them.

Trojan Port Scan Results for:
Program Port Status Trojans Common to Port

Trojan 6776 2000 Cracks, BackDoor-G, SubSeven, VP Killer

Trojan 7000 Exploit Translation Server, Kazimas, Remote Grab, SubSeven, SubSeven 2.1 Gold

Trojan 12345 Ashley, Cron/Crontab, Fat Bitch trojan, GabanBus, icmp_client.c, icmp_pipe.c, Mypic, NetBus, NetBus Toy, NetBus worm, Pie Bill Gates, Whack Job, X-bill

Trojan 20034 NetBus 2.0 Pro, NetBus 2.0 Pro Hidden, NetRex, Whack Job

Trojan 27374 Bad Blood, Ramen, Seeker, SubSeven, SubSeven 2.1 Gold, Subseven 2.1.4 DefCon 8, SubSeven Muie, Ttfloader

Trojan 31337 Back Fire, Back Orifice 1.20 patches, Back Orifice (Lm), Back Orifice Russian, Baron Night, Beeone, BO client, BO Facil, BO spy, BO2, Cron/Crontab, Freak88, Freak2k, icmp_pipe.c, Sockdmini

Espero sea de interés

(link roto)


🗨️ 4

Llevamos varios dias que en mi empresa no podemos acceder por vpn tenemos timofonica mi sorpresa que al correr el test de arriba me da direcion de proxy y estan filtrando el puerto 1723 PPTP VPN de Microsoft ademas de otros.
He llamado al servicio tecnico y me han mandado a una direccion de un foro sobre el proxycache para postear quejas

¿sabe alguien algo? postear resultados para comparar


🗨️ 3

a ver en el de symantec me da esto:

Your Results:
Port Description Status

ICMP Ping Ping. Ping is a network troubleshooting utility. It asks your computer to acknowledge its existence. If your computer responds positively to a ping, hackers are more likely to target your computer.

21 FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is used to transfer files between your computer and other computers. Port 21 should be open only if you're running an FTP server.

22 SSH. TCP connections to this port might indicate a search for SSH, which has a few exploitable features. SSH is a secure replacement for Telnet. The most common uses of SSH are to securely login and copy files from a server.

23 Telnet. Telnet can be used to log into your computer from a terminal anywhere in the world. This port should be open only if you're running a Telnet server.

25 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). A protocol for host-to-host mail transport. This port should be open only if you're running a mail server.

79 Finger. Finger is an Internet utility that allows someone to obtain information about you, including your full name, logon status, and other profile information.

80 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is used to transfer Web pages over the Internet. Port 80 should be open only if you're running a Web server.

110 POP3 (Post Office Protocol). Internet mail servers and mail filter applications use this port. This port should be open only if you're running a mail server.

113 Ident / Authentication. This service is required by some mail, news, or relay chat servers to allow access. A stealth result on this port could cause performance problems.

119 NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). A service used by News servers to distribute Usenet articles to newsreader applications and between other servers.

135 Location service (loc-srv). This port is used to direct RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) services to the appropriate dynamically mapped ports. Hackers can use this to determine which port is used by several Windows services. This port should not be visible from the Internet.

139 NetBIOS. NetBIOS is used for Windows File & Print sharing. If port 139 is open, your computer is open to sharing files over the Internet. Other components of NetBIOS can expose your computer name, workgroup, user name, and other information. To learn more about preventing connections to your NetBIOS ports, see: NetBIOS Information and Configuration Instructions

143 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). IMAP is a sophisticated protocol for electronic mail delivery. This port should be open only if you're running an IMAP server.

443 HTTP over TLS/SSL. A protocol for providing secure HTTP communication. It should be open only if you're running a Web server.

445 Windows NT / 2000 SMB. A standard used to exchange Server Message Blocks, and can be exploited in multiple ways, including gaining your passwords.

1080 SOCKS. This protocol allows computers access to the Internet through a firewall. It is used when one IP address is shared among several computers. Generally this protocol only allows access out to the Internet. However, it is frequently configured incorrectly to allow hackers to pass traffic inwards through the firewall.

1723 PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol). This service is used for virtual private networking connections.

5000 UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). This service is used to communicate with any UPnP devices attached to your network.

5631 pcAnywhere. This port is used by Symantec pcAnywhere when in host mode.


🗨️ 2

Hombre, que su proxy tenga los puertos filtrados es algo de suponer, no lo iban a dejar sin proteger.

Pero ese filtrado no afecta al uso que cada uno la da a su adsl. Yo uso a diario ssh, telnet, etc (filtrados en el proxy, como dios manda) con equipos remotos, y no tengo ningún problema. Otra cosa es si filtras tu esos puertos en tu router (o tu firewall).

🗨️ 1