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[Pishing] Cuidado con emails falsos de Paypal tipo...


Emails falsos desde, supuesta suplantación haciendo pasar por paypal.

Dear PayPal Member, This email confirms that you have paid $19.95 USD using PayPal. This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *RESEARCHANY".


Payment Details Transaction ID: 20433666FG486722N Total: $19.95 USD Item/Product Name: Comprehensive Expert Detective Informational Software Item/Product Number: 922-116 Buyer: Nancy L Cornell


Business Information Business: Contact E-Mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Receipt Number: 0010-8715-4422-2518 Note: If you haven't authorized this charge ,click the link below to dispute transaction and get full refund Dispute transaction (Encrypted Link ) *SSL connection: PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available) Keep your Receipt Number (shown above) for future reference. You will need to refer to this number if you need customer service from or from PayPal. If you have questions about your purchase, such as shipping and tracking, we encourage you to contact the seller, at If you have been unable to resolve your questions with the merchant, PayPal offers a free buyer complaint resolution service that offers a quick, easy resolution to your concerns. It covers physical goods purchases made through PayPal, and is offered at no charge when you register for a free PayPal account. To sign up for an account, click on the 'Save My Info' link above. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this email. Email sent to this address cannot be answered. PayPal Email ID PP344

Como veis si pulsais en el enlace se conecta a una ip que ni mucho menos es de paypal, como veis es un pishing, simplemente para que pongais vuestros datos y os roben los numeros de tarjetas de credito y/o la cuenta paypal. (he editado la web para que nadie se equivoque)

Yo he entrado en paypal a traves de la web normal y todo está correcto. no os fieis de estos emails, así como otros parecidos pero poniendo que la cuenta ha caducado que pulses para renovar....



Es una IP guarra de andar por casa italiana. Y como es una IP guarra, veréis que ya no carga. Obviamente ¡yo no he sido! :)

Es que con 300k no se puede ser alguien.


Ante la duda, fijaos que Paypal SIEMPRE se dirije a vosotros por vuestro nombre completo, tal como lo indicasteis en su dia.

Mas pistas y cosas interesantes en el centro de seguridad de Paypal.

Un saludo