Solo me llegan 14 mb con el perfil Optimo con ADSl2 de 20mb, es normal?
Mode: ADSL_2plus Traffic Type: ATM Status: Up Link Power State: L0 Downstream Upstream Line Coding(Trellis): On On SNR Margin (0.1 dB): 91 105 Attenuation (0.1 dB): 155 70 Output Power (0.1 dBm): 209 106 Attainable Rate (Kbps): 17840 1132 Path 0 Path 1 Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Rate (Kbps): 16530 1022 0 0 MSGc (# of bytes in overhead channel message): 62 75 0 0 B (# of bytes in Mux Data Frame): 244 28 0 0 M (# of Mux Data Frames in FEC Data Frame): 1 8 0 0 T (Mux Data Frames over sync bytes): 2 1 0 0 R (# of check bytes in FEC Data Frame): 10 16 0 0 S (ratio of FEC over PMD Data Frame length): 0.4733 7.106 0.0 0.0 L (# of bits in PMD Data Frame): 4310 283 0 0 D (interleaver depth): 64 8 0 0 Delay (msec): 7.57 14.2 0.0 0.0 INP (DMT symbol): 0.59 1.80 0.0 0.0 Super Frames: 74031 66861 0 0 Super Frame Errors: 1453 501289 0 0 RS Words: 1076152 72035 0 0 RS Correctable Errors: 0 864 0 0 RS Uncorrectable Errors: 0 0 0 0 HEC Errors: 312 312166 0 0 OCD Errors: 0 0 0 0 LCD Errors: 0 0 0 0 Total Cells: 4965773 253961 0 0 Data Cells: 374443 47471 0 0 Bit Errors: 0 0 0 0 Total ES: 45 136050 Total SES: 32 56 Total UAS: 86 86 |