Hi there,
I'm from Italy. First of all sorry, I don't speak spanish....
I have a Huawei HG553 with spanish firmware B21. Everything works fine, but I have a little issue with phone1 e phone2 connection. I use a E172 key connected to the router and I get the GSM line through that doors with no problem at all. If I use an analog phone connected, it works perfectly. But, instead of having an "italian" tone I get a differente one, a continuos tone (it's the spanish standard?) that my alarm machine doesn't recognize. The result is that it doesn't dial at all! I tried with the italian FW (B36) and it works perfectly, so my goal is to use the settings of the phone of the italian FW to the spanish version of FW.
Do you think it's possible? Is there a way to change the phone settings in the spanish versione of the FW?
Thanks a lot, by from italy.