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Ayuda por favor. Mis estadisticas

Traffic Type:ATM
Link Power State:L0
Line Coding(Trellis):OnOn
SNR Margin (0.1 dB):113115
Attenuation (0.1 dB):315170
Output Power (0.1 dBm):214126
Attainable Rate (Kbps):164761044
Path 0Path 1
Rate (Kbps):12287101100
MSGc (# of bytes in overhead channel message):916600
B (# of bytes in Mux Data Frame):2543100
M (# of Mux Data Frames in FEC Data Frame):1100
T (Mux Data Frames over sync bytes):1100
R (# of check bytes in FEC Data Frame):0000
S (ratio of FEC over PMD Data Frame length):0.66140.98080.00.0
L (# of bits in PMD Data Frame):308426100
D (interleaver depth):1100
Delay (msec):
INP (DMT symbol):
Super Frames:0000
Super Frame Errors:04000
RS Words:015117900
RS Correctable Errors:0000
RS Uncorrectable Errors:0000
HEC Errors:02200
OCD Errors:0000
LCD Errors:0000
Total Cells:10754847175200
Data Cells:36811300
Bit Errors:0000
Total ES:019
Total SES:00
Total UAS:00

He aqui todas las estadisticas de mi internet Jazztel 20mb, con fastpath activado.

El caso esq noto como tironcillos a veces online con mi ps3, la tengo por cable y el upnp activado. Probe tb perfil optimo y tb noto tironcillos. Veis todo correcto? debo llamar a jazztel?? Gracias un saludo!!

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