UST Installation information
Dongle driver installation may request some nesessary files. They are located in Dongle Drivers folder under main UST folder. In the request screen press Browse button and navigate to this directry (typically C:\Program Files\UST Pro\Dongle Drivers)
Also, if you are using Windows NT (2000 or XP) platform, you should have administrator rights to install dongle drivers. Otherwise, remember, that you are doing this on your own risk!
First Install Dongle Driver with which your oS installed (nt,xp,or 98 me etc)
then goto control pannel and add new hardware
if you try on xp it ask to you "you have already connected new hardware ? " -> Select Yes
Continue ,next come a screen with some hardware listed,go scroll down and select last "add new hardware"
then come another screen it askin to you want auto search or manuel (Advanced) select manuel
and continue next you have again a menu it show Pc hardware list select Show all Hardware.
continue then you have last screen showing all hardware list ..
select "have diskets" and select driver from
C:\Program Files\UST Pro\Dongle Drivers for Win2k-XP
then click ok and see A hardware showing a Screen "e-gate Virtual Reader Enumerator"
select it and go next and finish..
then you pc says "a new hardware detect etc.etc.." after all finish. Restart Your pc..
after restart ,run UST if all ok it will be %80 and Then Shows to yOu Req.bin created Send to By Lamer Vahid. Bla bla
run Activator and select created Req.bin then it save key.txt act.bin etc.. after all ok.
run again Ust and it Ok.
if You try On Win9x Same as xp way.. Goto Control Panel Add new Hardware Select MAnuel install and it show all hardwar list
select Unknow hardware then showss all hardware list select "have diskets" aand select
ust driver from \program files\ust pro\win98 directory
then same "e-gate virtual reader enumerator" select and continue after finish..
your pc says found new hardware etc.. after they finish
restart pc .. after restart run Ust it show on %80 Req.bin Created. use activator and same step like xp
after all ok run ust..
Posibility ERror & fix:
%8 Runtime Error Etc - reason you cannot install correct Driver..
progbar.ocx not found - You must install Driver pack.
Some time Runtime Error on WinXp "Lamer and Poor Vahid dont know how good program .. Restart try again or change os to win98"
This Software not full compatible windows _NT based System (nt,2000,xp) only works good on Win9x
On win98 IF you get like Object ,ActiveX error Install UST_98_driver 1 & 2 ,Restart and will be work.
if you use wrong cable you cannot use this software .. You need All time Correct Cable Else you cant use it.
After connected cable to phone ,Phone if says Charge Your cable wrong...