Y el plazo de revocación es de menos de 24 horas.
Acabo de recibir un correo de Let's Encrypt donde se me indica que para mañana 4 de marzo van a quedar revocados algunos de los certificados que uso.
Por lo visto, hace unos días detectaron un error en el proceso de emisión y validación. Al parecer, hoy ya han podido determinar cuántos certificados han podido quedar afectados y 24 horas después, éstos quedarán revocados con lo que ello significa si dichos certificados están en activo en servidores web.
La solución simplemente consiste en renovar los certificados.
Contenido del correo electrónico:
We recently discovered a bug in the Let's Encrypt certificate authority code,
described here:community.letsencrypt.org/t/2020-02-29-c…g-bug/114591
Unfortunately, this means we need to revoke the certificates that were affected
by this bug, which includes one or more of your certificates. To avoid
disruption, you'll need to renew and replace your affected certificate(s) by
Wednesday, March 4, 2020. We sincerely apologize for the issue.If you're not able to renew your certificate by March 4, the date we are
required to revoke these certificates, visitors to your site will see security
warnings until you do renew the certificate. Your ACME client documentation
should explain how to renew.If you are using Certbot, the command to renew is:
certbot renew --force-renewal
If you need help, please visit our community support forum:
community.letsencrypt.org/t/revoking-cer…rch-4/114864Please search thoroughly for a solution before you post a new question. Let's
Encrypt staff will help our community try to answer unresolved questions as
quickly as possible.Your affected certificate(s), listed by serial number and domain names: