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Lanzar programas desde Telnet


Buenas, tengo acceso a un equipo remoto mediante Telnet. Ambos equipos tienen Windows XP.

El acceso es mediante consola XP, es decir, la típica ventanitta tipo msdos pero es totalmente mediante comandos de telnet, y el acceso remoto es total, bien, me gustaría saber exactamente que comandos he de hacer para por ejemplo lanzar desde una máquina remotamente que se ejecute un programa instalado en la otra máquina, concretamente el internet explorer, he intentado símplemente ir mediante el típico c:\ cd... hasta el directorio de instalación e intentar ejecutar el .exe pero no se ejecuta nada en la máquina remota.


pd: todo esto es por supuesto un acceso legal, ya que se hace dentro de mi red local, entre dos pc's míos

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Running Programs Remotely Using a Telnet Connection

After you establish a Telnet connection with Telnet Server, the following message appears in the command prompt window on the client:

*= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Server.
*= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

This message indicates that your credentials are valid and that you have an active Telnet session with Telnet Server. Assuming you have the appropriate administrative user rights, you can use this session to remotely run command-line programs, shell commands, and scripts on a host. Telnet client and server processes rely on the Telnet network virtual terminal (NVT) to translate operating system-specific keyboard and display codes to Telnet character codes that all Telnet clients and servers can understand.

Telnet Limitations

Telnet connections have several limitations. You can address many of these limitations by changing Windows Server 2003 security and Group Policy settings, but the following limitation cannot be eliminated or modified.

You cannot run GUI tools over a Telnet connection

Telnet is a character-based communication protocol. It is not designed to transmit cursor movements or graphical user interface information. Because of this, you can only run command line programs, shell commands, scripts, and batch files over a Telnet connection. Some editing programs, such as vi and Edit, can be run over a Telnet connection; however, these interactive programs are not true GUI programs because cursor movement is controlled by the keyboard, not the mouse.


Por si no te has enterado del mensaje de Frankie2004 yo te lo explico...

no puedes ejecutar aplicaciones que requieran un GUI, o traducido al españolico de a pie, una interfaz grafica (vamos.. lo que son el 99% de las aplicacioes no te van a ir..)

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Me tiré 10 minutos intentando encontrar el Technet en Español, pero no lo encontré, lo juro.
¡Qué manía los de Microsoft con sus webs! Cada vez que visito la web, de cuando en cuando, todo cambiado de sitio. :-D