weno .. por lo k leido en teoria se puede cambiar la MAc, pero la verdad k seria algo laborioso, ya segun pone en el articulo k pongo se tiene k desmontar el modem, localizar la EEPROM o flash, extraer su contenido, modificarlo y grabarlo de nuevo.
Nuse... pero a lo dejo.
Fake MAC's - By changing the cable side MAC address (often also the serial number) to that of another user (possible someone paying for premium service), the user will be able to effectively steal that users service. Two CM's online with the same MAC is not possible for an extended period of time, and will be logged at the CMTS. So the MSO may track this down fairly easily.
How would a user be able to change the cable-side MAC? One way could be to use a debug shell-enabled CM as described above. Another way could be to remove the non-volatile memory on the PC board holding the MAC address, and reprogram it. This does require special equipment, but in many cases an electronics hobbyist can easily do this. Most modems (if not all) will have a way to program the MAC address during the manufacturing process. This may be using an In-Circuit Tester (ICT) with a bed-of-nails fixture for the specific CM, it may be through the debug shell (that is then disabled before shipping) or some other approach.
The key here is, that the number of devices to look for is fairly small (flash or eeprom devices). Finding the MAC in the content of the storage device may also be fairly simple, as the MAC address is normally also shown on a sticker at the back of the CM.
Un saludo.