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Explorer.exe necesita tu permiso para Skype: Un nuevo malware


¿No sería cómodo tener un foro para vulnerabilidades de los sistemas operativos o routers?

A system gets infected with T9000 when the user inadvertently open an RTF file compromised with exploits for both CVE-2012-1856 and CVE-2015-1641 vulnerabilities. The malware can then be used to "automatically capture data about the infected system and steal files of specific types stored on removable media" wrote Palo Alto researchers Josh Grunzweig and Jen Miller-Osborn.

In being able to record the actions taken by victims, attackers could potentially gain access to and steal documents, files, usernames and passwords.

To ensure they're not infected by the T9000 Trojan, Skype users have been warned to be wary of a request by 'explorer.exe' to use Skype, as that's what allows the malware to record and store video, audio and text files.

According to the warning by researchers, T9000 has been used in a number of targeted attacks against organisations in the US; although the malware naturally has the potential to infect a network anywhere in the world.

Palo Alto says it's released the information on T9000 in an effort to prevent others being compromised by the sophisticated malware.



Esos dos CVE, uno es de 2012 y el otro de hace ya casi un año. Si no has actualizado el sistema desde entonces, pues te jodes.

🗨️ 3

Llevan intentando que no se propague desde hace tiempo, lee la noticia. Jódete tú. :D

🗨️ 2

La noticia habla de un troyano y de que sus métodos de propagación actuales son dos bugs de hace ya muchísimo tiempo, informáticamente hablando. O sea que no sé de qué hablas.

🗨️ 1

Que estén resueltos no quiere decir que no estés infectado. Hablo de que no lees.