Bueno, pues algun dia tenia que salir una cosa como esta, segun parece existe una vulnerabilidad en TODOS los firmwares de tcniso.
Aqui describe como hacerlo (he quitado las partes que no se deben ver "xxxxxxxxxxx"
El resumen del texto viene a ser el como ejecutar cualquier comando en un modem sigma REMOTAMENTE y dejarlo INSERVIBLE (desde reiniciarlo, a dejarlo inutil total), ademas indica que esta vulnerabilidad esta programada a drede.
Como algunos ya sabreis, L3X era uno de los programadores de sigma (ha abandonado tcniso hace poco tiempo,al igual que ISABELLA), tcniso esta en la cuerda floja (no tiene programadores para poder dar el SIGMA-X 2 (la version para docsis 2.0)
Y no lo para un firewall ni nada por el estilo, ya que va dirigido a la CPE IP, o sea la IP que el isp le asigna al cablemodem (no a la que le asigna a tu tarjeta de red, que es la que pasa por tu router/firewall)
Aqui va el texto:
[17:53] to remotly execute shell commands on any sigma firmware do
[17:53] xxx protocoll
[17:53] port = xxxxxx
[17:53] ip = cpe ip
[17:53] packet is the string "Did u really think
that would work?\n\l"
[17:53] followed by the shell command of your choice.
[17:53] a good modem killer is
[17:53] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-
[17:53] ive left TCNiSO fuck it all
[17:55] it works
[17:55] to remotly execute shell commands on any sigma firmware do this
[17:55] protocoll
[17:55] port
[17:55] ip = cpe ip
[17:55] packet is the string "Did u really think
that would work?\n\l"
[17:55] followed by the shell command of your choice.
[17:55] a good modem killer
[17:55] cya'x
[17:55] hehe
[17:56] test it and see, use somones ip and issue the reboot command
whilst pinning there ip
[17:56] nice
[17:56] youll see them go down and come back up and the modem reboots
[17:56] hehehe
[17:56] ANY shell command
[17:56] is that wrote on purpose?
[17:56] including the modem killing ones
[17:56] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[17:56] yes its coded on purpose
[17:56] ofc
[17:56] anyhow
[17:56] goodbye
[17:56] * Parts: l3x (Ct0@71812825.92099054.ECDAE6C6.IP) (Leaving)
I just had to post this rofl.. good times