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Cable Modem Modification Kit Aio

 Basically the point of this process is to increase the speed of your cable modem using modified firmware or by using a special program to change the config file your modem boots with. The prior is the preferred method, both methods will work only on Motorola Surfboard cable modems SB4200 and earlier. Firmware modification is compatible with SB4100 and SB4200 modems. Firmware modification is also possible on the SB5100 however it requires you make a special cable which you solder to the modem's motherboard. The schematics for this cable can be found in the forums _[]http://theoryshare.comif you generally have problems with computers or you just want a easy way to get uncapped visit the Theoryshare store:

 Below is a description written by one user about uncapping, premods and what modification its all about:

 What is Cable Modem Modification, Uncapping, and What are Premods Tell me More

 Improving your speed is a definite given. Right now, I'm subscribed to the 4000/384, but I sniffed out a config file with speeds of 8800/1000. That's what I'm running at right now. There are lots of hard to find configs out there, but a 3rd party sniffer or the built in sniffer can find them if you let it go for awhile. Depending on your isp, you could sniff out 16000/2000. It all comes down to what the isp has to offer. Some people are lucky enough to still be able to get their modem to bypass the tftp server and take a modified config file from a spoofed server set up on their system. That is very rare today, but those that can do it are able to set their upload/download to custom values.

 As far as getting caught, your isp has ways of finding out who's using their bandwidth, but it costs more money and takes time to do so. In most cases, and because you are not disrupting the network, it's not worth their time/money. Plus, you are flying under the radar.

 In the few, public cases that individuals have been caught, they were totally abusing the bandwidth. Like leaving Bit Torrent or other file sharing programs running at full speed indefinitely. Red flags will fly if an unknown source is downloading several TeraBytes a month as well as uploading countless Gigabytes. Not to mention the server type, FTP setups that were being utilized. The entire situation was ugly.

 Cable internet is a shared connection. Killing the bandwidth causes problems for other users on the node.

 I've yet to read a post from someone here at Theoryshare regarding their isp watching them or sending out any letters. That's because we go about our internet business as usual. These people, myself included, enjoy the faster speeds and use close to the same amount of bandwidth as before. It's not planned or anything. I just continue with my normal activities.

 Currently, the Surfboard series modems (SB3100 - SB4200) are able to be uncapped without any need of cables. Just download the Uncapping Kit and follow the steps. That's it.

 The SB5100 took quite some time to exploit. Finally, this year, it became an option. In order to uncap the SB5100, you will need a blackcat cable. This cable will need to be soldered on to specific points inside the modem. You will then need the flash software to get it going.

Part 1 (link roto)
Part 2 (link roto)

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