A Cable Modem requires three main things to remain online once it is connected and operational:
Clean RF plant with a carrier-to-noise consistently above 25 dB in the Upstream, and above 35 in the downstream.
Unicast polls from the CMTS every 30 seconds (keepalives). These are unicast transmit opportunities for this modem's assigned SID, in which it can send a RNG-REQ to the CMTS. If the cable modem does not receive a unicast transmit opportunity within T4 seconds (30 seconds) it has to time out and re-initialise it's MAC layer. So if there is a problem (RF) in the downstream, the cable modem might not "see" this unicast transmit opportunity, and drop offline.
If the CMTS does not get a reply from the CM to the unicast transmit opportunity, the CMTS will poll the modem 16 times in short succession in order to try and get an answer. The modem is considered offline by the CMTS if there is no reply after these retries.
(link roto)