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Ayuda Wanadoo IP Fija y 3COM 812


Estoy desesperado.
Tenía Wanadoo ADSL Router IP estática bajo PPPoA con un Thomson y éste ha muerto.

Asi que, el jueves me puse a desempolvar mi 3COM de un cajón y al configurarlo en modo PPPoA, alguna vez se conectó pero fue imposible hacerlo funcionar pues el 3COM sólo soporta passwords de 15 caracteres y mi puto password de wanadoo tiene 16, por lo que no puedo autentificarme.

Ahora estoy tratando de configurarlo por RFC-1483 (ip estatica) usando el PDF ese del SAT de Wanadoo (el fichero se llama 3com812multi_2.pdf) usando los datos que me dio Wanadoo en su dia.
El asunto es que no consigo que se conecte:( Aqui os mando como lo configuré:

Aquí se produce el proceso de arranque del Router, tarda un rato.

The OfficeConnect Quick Setup will let you set up LAN-side and global
configuration for your system. To configure wide-area profiles
you should run the OfficeConnect VC Wizard using the QUICKVC command.
3Com-DSL> Do you want to continue with OfficeConnect Quick Setup? y
The OfficeConnect Quick Setup allows you to setup a simple
configuration for IP, IPX and bridging.
Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no" to
indicate which portions of the system you want to configure.
When Quick Setup displays a question it will display a default
answer in square brackets, like "[yes]". If you simply press
enter, this is the answer that will be used for you.
Si se pulsa intro coge por defecto lo que hay entre corchetes.
3Com-DSL> Network management [ yes]?
3Com-DSL> IP [ yes]?
3Com-DSL> IPX [no]?
3Com-DSL> Bridging [ no]?
3Com-DSL> Enter the name of your system []: Wanadoo
3Com-DSL> Who is the system contact person []? User
3Com-DSL> Where is this system located []? Spain
3Com-DSL> Do you want the CLI to be password protected [no] ? no
3Com-DSL> Do you want to be able to manage the system via SNMP [yes]? no
3Com-DSL> Do you want to allow command line management via TELNET [yes]? yes
3Com-DSL> What user name will be allowed to manage this system [root]?
3Com-DSL> What password will be used for this user []? root
3Com-DSL> Enter the network name of your IP network [ip]: LAN
3Com-DSL> Enter the IP address for the OfficeConnect []:
3Com-DSL> What should the mask be set to [C]? C
3Com-DSL> What is the framing for the IP network [ethernet_ii]? ethernet_ii
3Com-DSL> Do you want to run RIP [yes]? no
3Com-DSL> Do you want the OfficeConnect to act as a DHCP server [yes]? no
3Com-DSL> Do you want to allow all systems access to your TFTP network server
[]? N
3Com-DSL> From what IP address will you allow access to your TFTP network
server []?
3Com-DSL> Would you like to review your current settings before executing
[yes]? no

3Com-DSL> Do you want to change any answers [no]? no
3Com-DSL> Do you want to actually execute these commands [yes]? yes

Aquí se produce una carga de datos
3Com-DSL> 3Com-DSL> quickvc
3Com-DSL> What is the name to be added []? internet
3Com-DSL> Enter the Virtual Path Identifier [0] : 8
3Com-DSL> Enter the Virtual Channel Identifier [0] : 32
3Com-DSL> Is the Category of Service (U)br or (C)br [U]?
3Com-DSL> Enter the Peak Cell Rate [0] : [0]
3Com-DSL> Select the encapsulation type [ppp] : RFC-1483
3Com-DSL> Is IP traffic going to be routed over VC "Internet" [yes]? [yes]
3Com-DSL> Do you want to enable IP Network Address Translation (NAT) [yes]?
3Com-DSL> Do you want to learn addresses using DHCP [no]?
3Com-DSL> Enter the IP address of the router across the WAN []: (proporcionada por Wanadoo) AQUI PUSE LA IP PUBLICA QUE ME DIERON
3Com-DSL> Enter the IP mask for the router across the WAN [C]: (proporcionada por Wanadoo) AQUI (que tambien me dieron)
3Com-DSL> Is the WAN interface (U)nnumbered or (N)umbered [N]? N
3Com-DSL> Enter the local ip address for the WAN connection []: (proporcionada por Wanadoo) AQUI PUSE LA PUERTA DE ENLACE QUE CASUALMENTE ES LA (IP PUBLICA) -1
3Com-DSL> Do you want to use "Internet"'s remote router as the default
gateway [no]? y
3Com-DSL> Do you want to run RIP [no]? N
3Com-DSL> Is IPX traffic going to be routed over VC "Internet" [no]? n
3Com-DSL> Do you want to Bridge any traffic over VC "Internet" [no]? n
3Com-DSL> Do you want to enable MAC-encapsulated routing [no]? n
3Com-DSL> Would you like to review your answers before executing them [yes]?
3Com-DSL> Do you want to change any answers [no]? n
3Com-DSL> Do you want to actually execute these commands [yes]? yes

También tengo la duda de si los DNS he de activarlos e introducirlos también en el router, o simplemente con tenerlos en las propiedades del TCP/IP de Windows sería suficiente.

Asi están configuradas mis propiedades de red:
Direccion IP:
Mascara Subred:
Puerta de enlace Predeterminada:
Servidores DNS: y (son los DNS de Terra)

Acabo de cambiar la contraseña de wanadoo (no sabia que se podia hacer desde su página web).

Aun asi, por favor si me podéis ayudar a configurarlo, estoy desesperado: tengo IP fija, mascara y puerta de enlace. Y encima me quieren hacer usar PPPoA.

Una ayudita de algún maestro por favor. :(

👁 212
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